King/Queen of the Battle
Tournament Rules
(Pending to Finalization)
Tournament Objectives
This style of play promotes creativity on the ball and fun competition. Each player plays
three round robin matches against other players in his/her age bracket. After all round
robin matches have been played, the top finishers in each age group play in elimination
matches. Last two winners then play for the Championship. All the rules of the regular
match of soccer apply except slide tackling is not allowed and is treated as a foul (see
rules below).
Field: use 25 x 20 field with one 4 x 2.5 Alpha Goal
Two players play offensive and defensive alternately (Each player may only play in one
age bracket).
Game lasts 6 minutes or when 3 goals are scored by one player, whichever comes first.
(Please note that we may have to make timing adjustments). In elimination, if game is
tied, players will play 2 minutes overtime, and then PK by backheel kick from 10 yard
away from the goal.
Matches: each player is guaranteed three matches.
Uniform/Jersey: Each player will receive a jersey and must wear it during tournament.
Officials: Officials will be in place during all matches. All decisions are made at the
official’s discretion and the official’s decisions are final.
Ball Possession: Officials will use coin toss to determine who gets the ball first. The
starting players start with the ball at the end line. Also, when a goal is scored, the player
who got scored on will start with the ball at the end line. Ball will change possession after
each goal, or the attacking player lose the possession.
Inbounding: The ball is started at the point of exit or anywhere behind that point of exit
by dribbling in. The defensive player must give the player restarting play from out of
bounds about a yard to amount of space. Once the ball touches the line it is in play and
‘live’. No conner kick, change possession when the ball goes out the goal line.
Time Out: Only allowed by the official for an emergency.
Fouls: Any foul committed at any time results in a penalty kick.
Penalty Kick: PK is taken 10 yards from the goal, as a free shot by backheel kicking at
the cones with the ball placed on the cross ‘T’
Injury: If a player gets injured before or during a match, and cannot play, the player will
be considered.
Overtime and Bracket Tie Breakers: During elimination, the match goes into “sudden
death” where the next goal ends the match. Sudden death matches are only two minutes.
If more than one player in each bracket have the same number of wins & losses, we will
decide the winner by point differential of the sum of all of their matches, goals and points
or if there is no point differential, then play sudden death.
Forfeiture(s): If a player arrives one minute late to the scheduled match - that is an
automatic forfeiture. Any physical altercation started by a member in any given bracket
will also result in automatic forfeiture, for that match (and possible for the tournament).
Sportsmanship: All participants are expected to maintain the high standards of
sportsmanship, competition, and self-discipline. Should a player lose emotional/social
control and behave in a negative or threatening manner then the player will be removed
from the tournament.